As you are aware, the 12th February is observed as Productivity Day every year in India which is promoted by National Productivity Council with the support of State Productivity Councils. Kerala State Productivity Council is in forefront of this event by organizing various programmes to popularize the Productivity Movement in Kerala and to create the much needed awareness in this area. In order to leverage the benefits of this Productivity Promotion the whole month of February is observed as PRODUCTIVITY MONTH.

The theme for this year’s Productivity month Celebrations is:

“Productivity: Embrace Advanced Technologies & Systems, Unlock Potential”


On behalf of Governing Body of Kerala State Productivity Council, we request your organisation to be part of this Productivity promotion event and plan PRODUCTIVITY MONTH celebrations by incorporating your employees and associates. The following guidelines may be considered while planning the activities in this regard.


1.            Declare FEBRUARY, 2025 as PRODUCTIVITY MONTH with special emphasis on PRODUCTIVITY WEEK CELEBRATIONS (February 12– 18, 2025). Display the PRODUCTIVITY MONTH BANNER at prominent places of your organisation to make aware of your associates about this.

2.            Organize a gathering on any convenient date during the Productivity Week (February. 12 – 18, 2025), Wear Productivity Week Badges, Hoist Productivity Flag, Take Productivity Pledge and an Address by the Chief Executive Officer / Senior Officer of your organization to be arranged.

3.            Talk by an Expert on the Theme Subject “Productivity: Embrace Advanced Technologies & Systems, Unlock Potential” may be organized.

For this a 1 hour talk can be availed by experts from KSPC free of cost. For this you have to make venue arrangements with LCD projector and provide to & fro travel facility for the faculty deputed. Dates can be fixed by contact KSPC: 8547897526 / 9895429450.

4.            Conduct Elocution Competition (English and Malayalam) on the theme Subject “Productivity: Embrace Advanced Technologies & Systems, Unlock Potential” during the Productivity Week. The duration of the elocution competition may be 10 mts.

5.            Conduct Essay competition on the theme Subject “Productivity: Embrace Advanced Technologies & Systems, Unlock Potential” in English and Malayalam of one hour duration during the Productivity Week. Essays should be of maximum 800 words.

6.            Conduct Slogan (English and Malayalam), Cartoon/Poster Competitions on the theme subject “Productivity: Embrace Advanced Technologies & Systems, Unlock Potential”.

7.            Give appreciation in the form of cash prizes/mementos/certificates to the first 3 winners in each item. You may please send the prize-winning entries of Essay, Slogan, Cartoon and Poster Competitions to KSPC, so as to reach here on or before 28th February, 2025 to select the State Level Prize winners. Also direct the first prize winners in Elocution competition (English and Malayalam) to report at Productivity House, Kalamassery at 10.30 AM on 28th February, 2025 to participate in the State Level Competition.

The First Prize winner of the State Level Malayalam Essay Competition will be awarded a Gold Medal instituted by INTUC, Kerala in memory of late Shri G.S. Dhara Singh, a well-known trade union leader & freedom fighter.

To facilitate PRODUCTIVITY MONTH Celebration, Kindly place your orders with KSPC for Productivity month theme Banners, Flags, Posters, Badges and Stickers before
28th January, 2025 so that we could arrange sufficient materials for distribution.

Item wise rate given below.


Productivity Flag


Rs.200/- per flag + GST@18%


Productivity Badge (50 nos. per set)


Rs.200/- per Set + GST@12%


Productivity Month Banner

(High Quality Printing on 180GSM

Recyclable Material)


Rs.550/- per Banner + GST @18%


Productivity Posters

[10 Attractive posters (assorted) on Productivity, Safety & Quality in Art Paper (400 GSM) Print size – 12” x 17”]


Rs.1500/- per set + GST @ 18%


Productivity Stickers

(25 attractive Stickers with inspiring

quotes on Productivity)


Rs.375/- per set + GST@12%


Packing & courier charges


Rs.100/- extra


You may send the orders through e-mail: / by making the payment as per the account details given below or by Cheque/ DD in favour of “Kerala State Productivity Council”. 

Account details

Name of Beneficiary           :  Kerala State Productivity Council

Account No                           :  Current A/c No. 57015663787

Name of Bank                      :  SBI, Kalamassery Main branch (code: 70145)

IFSC Code                            :  SBIN0070145


Pre-bookings of items can also be made through Telephone – 0484 - 2555526 / 2555367 Mobile: 8547897526 / 9895429450 or through e-mail: / Once material get ready KSPC will inform you for collecting the same or alternatively delivery through courier can be arranged.

You may contact the KSPC for any further clarification or assistance required in this regard.

Also request you to send us a brief report along with photographs of the activities carried out in your organisation in connection with Productivity Month Celebration which will be published in KSPC Quarterly Printed News Letter having more than 500 copies in circulation to Industrial and Service establishments and other KSPC members.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,



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