Online Courses

Sl. No. Online Training Courses Participant Category Duration
1 Online course on Food Safety Management System - ISO 22000: 2018 Level 1 Certification Who are interested / engaged in food sector activity from Farm to fork 12 hours
2 Online course on Essentials of Indian Labour Law for every Employer HR Managers, Administrators, Finance Managers etc. 12 hours
3 Online course on Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) - ISO 45001: 2018 Level 1 Certification Supervisors, Engineers, Managers, Safety Directors, EHS Professionals, Internal Auditors, Exporters and leading suppliers, OHSAS 18001 certified companies interested in upgrading to ISO 45001 before 2021 March 12 hours

On-Site Programmes

Sl. No. On-Site Training Programmes Participant Category Date
February 2025
1 Training & Best Practices Demonstration Session on 5S & KAIZEN Employees including Supervisors & Executives can attend this programme. 25
2 LEADERSHIP DYNAMO - A One day Workshop on Leadership Development All Executives and Staff from Industry and other organisations who are leading or part of a team shall get benefitted by attending this Workshop 19

Previous On-Site Programmes

Sl. No. On-Site Training Programmes Participant Category Date
February 2025
1 INTERNAL AUDITOR TRAINING PROGRAMME ON ISO 9001:2015 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Quality Directors, Employees (with Basic Awareness), who are to be certified as Internal Quality Auditors as per ISO 9001:2015 version (whether earlier trained in 2008 version or not), Coordinators/ MRs of ISO 9001, Deputy MRs of ISO 9001 14-15
2 One day Training on Administrative and Secretarial Staff Skills Secretaries, Administrative Assistants and Clerical Staff handling any function of any organization can participate in this programme. 05
January 2025
3 Training Programme on "DG Set Performance Optimization by Efficient Operation & Maintenance" Supervisors, Engineers, and Middle Managers who are responsible for the efficient operation and maintenance of DG sets can participate. 30
4 One day Hands-on Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Applications & Tools All Executive and Staff from Industry and other organisations who provides different kind of functional support to their organisations shall get benefited by attending this Workshop. 23
5 Two day Training Programme on ADVANCED MICROSOFT EXCEL Managers, Executives, Office staff and Professionals from any functional areas concerned with the mention topic can participate in this programme. 15-16
6 One day Training Programme on LABOUR LAW AWARENESS FOR MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES HR Managers, Administrative Staff, Executives, Plant Managers and Supervisors who are directly involved in handling of Labour force for deriving results will be benefited from this Training Programme 09
7 One day Training Programme on PRACTICAL FIRE FIGHTING in association with Department of Kerala FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES Owners/Engineers/Supervisors/Workers/other Employees at any level from any establishment including factories, hospitals, hotels, shopping malls, residential apartments, auditoriums etc. where basic or higher level fire fighting systems are available 07
December 2024
8 Basic Awareness Training Programme on ISO 14001:2015 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Executives, Officers, Engineers and Supervisors from organisations interested to enhance their awareness on ISO 14001:2015 - EMS, Those who are undergoing BUYER AUDITS on EMS can also attend, Those involved in making ESG reports to meet regulatory or 19
9 Workshop on Operation, Maintenance and Energy Conservation in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning System (RAC) Managers, Engineers and Supervisors working in the field of operation and maintenance of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Systems can participate in this workshop. 12
10 Training Programme on STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL for Executives from Production and Quality Engineers & Executives from Production, Quality & other departments 05
November 2024
11 THE KAIZEN COMPETITION EVENT 2024 A Team consists of 2 to 5 members from Industry or Service Sector can participate the Contest. More than one Team from same organisation will be allowed 26-27
12 Workshop on CHANGE MANAGEMENT for Executives Middle Management Personnel, Executives, Engineers & Managers handling any functions can attend this workshop. 21
13 Training Programme on FINANCE AND COST MANAGEMENT Supervisors, Executives, Engineers and Managers from any function other than Finance & Accounts and Costing who have responsibility of managing resources for controlling Costs. 13
14 One day Workshop on POSH ACT 2013 with Proposed Amendment Introduced in the Rajya Sabha on 2nd June 2023 Internal Committee members/External committee member aspirants, HR Managers, Executives & Staff of Personnel Department, Production and other Functional Managers and Executives, All category of Women Employees 07
October 2024
15 Three Day St. John Ambulance Certified Training Programme on “FIRST AID” Employees working in any field including factories, Offices, IT, hotel, Hospitality and other service Industries, Teachers, and College Students. 28-30
16 One day Seminar on Organisational Transformation for a Resilient Tomorrow Executives from Production and other supporting functions like Quality, Maintenance, Materials, Engineering, Utility and HR 23
17 Training Programme on Statutory Requirements for HIGH RISE BUILDINGS related to Electrical and Fire safety systems Builders, Owners, Facility Managers, Site Engineers, Consultants, Representatives of High Rise Buildings, Apartments and Residential Associations. 22
18 Workshop on Presentation & Communication Skills for Executives Supervisors, Executives & Managers handling any function can attend this workshop. 18
19 Workshop on SKILL SETS FOR SELF AND PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS Supervisors, Engineers, Group Leaders, Junior/Middle level Managers and Administrative Staff from all functional areas working in industries and service organizations can participate in this programme. 10-11
20 Basic Awareness Training Programme on ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational Health & Safety HSE Managers, Safety Officers Executives, Officers and Supervisors from organizations interested to improve their HSE performance. Who are already ISO 14001/ISO 45001 certified can also nominate their employees to enhance their awareness. Those who a 01
September 2024
21 Workshop on Best Operational Practices in Boiler & Steam Distribution for Energy Efficiency and Cost Control Utility and maintenance Managers, Engineers, Energy managers and any technician involved in operation and maintenance of Boilers and Steam distribution systems can benefit from the programme. 25
22 Knowledge Building Session on EFFECTIVE EFFLUENT AND SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT (ETP/STP) OPERATION Target participants are Operators/Executives responsible for Operation and Maintenance of ETP/STP systems. Managers/Promoters of Production Units/Representatives of Apartment complex who are accountable for ETP/STP operation can also get benefitted b 11
23 Training Programme on Import Export Procedures and Customs Clearance All employees who are concerned with import and export procedures and customs clearance 05
August 2024
24 One day Training Programme on PRACTICAL FIRE FIGHTING in collaboration with Department of Kerala Fire and Rescue Services, Government of Kerala Owners/Engineers/Supervisors/Workers/other Employees at any level from any establishment including factories, hospitals, hotels, shopping malls, residential apartments, auditoriums etc. where basic or higher level fire fighting systems are available. 29
25 Workshop on Biomedical Waste Management in association with Kerala State Pollution Control Board All persons who generate, collect, receive, store, transport, treat, dispose, or handle bio-medical waste in any form including hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, dispensaries, veterinary institutions, animal houses, pathological laboratories, blood 23
26 Practical Workshop on FACTORIES ACT, 1948 and Important Employment Laws Applicable to Factories Unit heads, Head of production and manufacturing, HR Managers, Legal officers, HSE Professionals those who are responsible for the management and supervision employees and workers, Plant in charges and plant supervisors, those who are responsible for 22
27 One day Training Programme on KAIZEN and 5S HOUSEKEEPING METHODOLOGY Executives, Supervisors, Group Leaders & Senior Level Operators/ Office Staff can make benefit out of this progrmamme 14
28 Certificate Training Programme on FOOD SAFETY SUPERVISOR - Advance Manufacturing (Level 2) - Certification by FSSAI/FoSTaC Managers, Food Supervisors, Food Technologists, Bio Technologist, Chemists, Microbiologists, Nutritionists, Completed/pursing final year of under-graduation/Post Graduation students in Food Related studies with exposure to Industrial training or Prof 06
29 Workshop on MAKING NGOs CSR READY NGOs, NPOs, CBOs, Management and Social Work Professionals and Students, CSR Mandated Corporates etc. 02
July 2024
30 Workshop on MANAGING TEAMS for Professional Success Supervisors/Executives/Managers from any function who are responsible for achieving work targets along with his team members can attend this programme. The programme will also beneficial for those who are working with team members from multiple funct 24
31 Training Programme on Energy Conservation in Industrial Processes and Energy Efficient Technologies Middle level Officers, Engineers and Supervisors involved in Process, Energy Management, Maintenance and Environment Management from industries/service organisations can participate in this programme. 18
32 Training Programme on APPLICATION OF LEAN MANUFACTURING TOOLS All those who are engaged in waste reduction by elimination of non value-added activities -Supervisors/Executives/Managers from functions like Production, Manufacturing, Industrial Engineering, Quality, Maintenance & Utilities, Materials, Production 11-12
33 Skill Enhancement Programme in M S OFFICE Managers, Executives, Office staff and Professionals from any functional areas concerned with the mention topic can participate in this programme. 04-05
34 Training Programme on Electrical Safety Senior workmen, Engineers, Electricians, Technicians and Supervisors and safety professionals from industries/service organisations can participate in this programme. 02
June 2024
35 INTERNAL AUDITOR TRAINING PROGRAMME ON ISO 9001:2015 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Quality Directors, Employees (with Basic Awareness), who are to be certified as Internal Quality Auditors as per ISO 9001:2015 version (whether earlier trained in 2008 version or not), Coordinators/ MRs of ISO 9001, Deputy MRs of ISO 9001 25-26
36 Training Programme on Effective Stores and Inventory Management for Material Cost Control Managers, Executives and Staff responsible for Materials and Stores operation and management especially Storekeepers, Store Managers, Store Assistants, Stores Clerk Assistants and Staff in Materials & Purchase Department and Staff at Warehouses wi 20
37 Training Programme on GOODS AND SERVICES TAX (GST) PROCEDURES (with latest amendments) Those who are associated with Tax matters will be benefited by attending this one-day Workshop. 12
May 2024
38 One day Workshop on POSH ACT 2013 WITH PROPOSED AMENDMENT INTRODUCED IN THE RAJYA SABHA ON 2ND JUNE 2023 Internal Committee members/External member aspirants, HR Managers, Administrators, Those who are connected with people Management, Plant supervisors and Plant Managers. 29
39 Training Programme on OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS FOR PREVENTING EQUIPMENT FAILURES Middle level Managers, Engineers, Supervisors, Electricians, Technicians etc. working in industrial undertakings and commercial establishments. 22-23
40 Training Programme on Leadership and Team work for Performance Excellence Executives/Supervisors/Managers from any function responsible for deriving results by means of managing the resources shall get benefited by attending this Training programme. 15-16
April 2024
41 Workshop on Effective Functioning of SAFETY COMMITTEES in Factories Worker Representatives of Safety Committee, Management Representatives of Safety Committee, Representatives of Trade Unions in Factories, Supervisors, Engineers, Managers and Safety Officers 30
42 Training Programme on Failure Mode And Effects Analysis (FMEA) The Programme is intended for all level of Executives engaged in Design and Development of Product and Process, Team members engaged in all kind of Improvement Projects Executives working in Production, Quality, Maintenance, Engineering, Projects an 23
43 One day Training Programme on PRACTICAL FIRE FIGHTING in collaboration with Department of Kerala Fire and Rescue Services, Government of Kerala Owners/Engineers/Supervisors/Workers/other Employees at any level from any establishment including factories, hospitals, hotels, shopping malls, residential apartments, auditoriums etc. where basic or higher level fire fighting systems are available. 16
44 Training Programme on Operations Management Series – Process Capability Development Executives from Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices manufacturing 12
March 2024
45 Training Programme on Workplace Hazards and Control Measures Senior Workmen, Engineers, Electricians, Technicians, Supervisors and Safety Committee Members 22
46 One day workshop on Managing Provident Fund, ESI and Gratuity of Contract Labour and Outsourced Employees HR Managers, Administrative Staff, Executives, Plant Managers and Supervisors who are directly involved in handling of Labour force for deriving results will be benefited from this Workshop. 19
February 2024
47 Productivity CONCLAVE 2024 Executives from Production and form Other supporting functions like Quality, Maintenance, Materials, Engineering, Utility, HR etc and anyone who are one or another way responsible for improving Productivity Levels of Resources utilized. 22
48 Awareness Programme on SIX SIGMA METHODOLOGY Relevant for all those associated with Manufacturing & Support functions Production, Quality, Maintenance, Materials Professionals Executives working on Defects reduction, Problem Solving Business Excellence Executives of Manufacturing & Service org 07
January 2024
49 Basic Awareness Training Programme on ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational Safety HSE Managers, Safety Officers, Executives, Officers and Supervisors from organizations interested to improve their HSE performance. Who have already ISO 14001/ISO 45001 certified can also nominate their employees to enhance their awareness, Those wh 25
50 Awareness Creation Workshop on Legal Dimensions of Manpower Management Executives, Supervisors and Managers from any department especially Plant Managers and Supervisors who are directly involved in handling of Labour force for deriving results will be benefited from this Workshop. 12
51 Basic Awareness Programme on ISO 22000:2018 (FSMS) FSMS Managers, Executives, Officers and Supervisors from organizations interested to improve their food safety performance, Food safety and hygiene officers in food outlets and food manufacturers 06
52 One day Training Programme on Understanding Essentials of Finance and Cost Management Supervisors, Executives, Engineers and Managers from any function other than Finance & Accounts and Costing who have responsibility of managing resources for controlling Costs. 04
December 2023
53 Basic Awareness Training Programme on ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management System Executives, Officers, Engineers and Supervisors from organisations interested to enhance their awareness on ISO 14001:2015 - EMS Those who are undergoing BUYER AUDITS on HSE can also attend. Those making ESG reports to meet regulatory or buyer requir 28
54 The Art of Successful Negotiation - Workshop on The Programme is intended for all level of Executives & Staff who are all one or other way forced to take part in negotiations for handling situations or for attaining the Business goals. HR, Industrial Relations, Purchase, Finance, Sales & Marketing 21
55 Workshop on SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WOMEN AT WORK PLACE - PREVENTION, PROHIBITION & REDRESSAL ACT 2013 (POSH ACT 2013) Internal Committee members/ External member aspirants, HR Managers, Administrators, Those who are connected with people Management, Plant supervisors and Plant Managers. 13
56 Workshop on Enhancing Leadership and Supervisory Skills Supervisors, Engineers, Group Leaders, Junior/Middle level Managers and Administrative Staff from all functional areas working in industries and service organizations can participate in this programme. 06-07
November 2023
57 One day Training Programme on Practical Fire Fighting in collaboration with Department of Kerala Fire and Rescue Services, Government of Kerala Owners/Engineers/Supervisors/Workers/other Employees at any level from any establishment including factories, hospitals, hotels, shopping malls, residential apartments, auditoriums etc. where basic or higher level fire fighting systems are available. 29
58 Advanced Microsoft Excel Managers, Executives, Office staff and professionals from any functional areas concerned with the above topic can participate in this programme. 14-15
59 Training Programme on Electrical System Reliability and Energy Conservation by ensuring Power Quality in Industrial & Commercial Establishments Facility Managers, Energy Managers, EHS Officers, Electrical Engineers, Supervisors, Maintenance Technicians, Plant Operators, Procurement and Management Personnel 09
60 Training Programme on FMEA The Programme is intended for all level of Executives engaged in Design and Development of Product and Process, Team members engaged in all kind of Improvement Projects, Executives working in Production, Quality, Maintenance, Engineering, Projects a 01
October 2023
61 One day Practical Workshop on EPF and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 & ESI Act 1948 - Employer’s obligation, violations, penalties & benefits under the Act CEOs, HR Managers, Legal Officers, Managers, Accountants & Executives from any functional areas concerned with the above topic can participate in this programme. 19
62 One day Training Programme on Skill Sets for Self and Professional Success Managers, Engineers, Middle and Junior Executives, Secretaries & Administrative Staff 13
63 One day Training Programme on 5 S & KAIZEN - Foundation for Promotion of LEAN MANUFACTURING Executives, Supervisors, Group Leaders & Senior Level Operators/ Office Staff can make benefit out of this progrmamme 10
64 Workshop on Operation, Maintenance and Energy Conservation in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning System (RAC) Managers, Engineers and Supervisors working in the field of operation and maintenance of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Systems can participate in this workshop. 05
September 2023
65 INTERNAL AUDITOR TRAINING PROGRAMME ON ISO 9001:2015 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Quality Directors, Employees (with Basic Awareness), who are to be certified as Internal Quality Auditors as per ISO 9001:2015 version (whether earlier trained in 2008 version or not), Coordinators/ MRs of ISO 9001, Deputy MRs of ISO 9001 28-29
66 Training Programme on Import Export Procedures and Customs Clearance All employees who are concerned with import and export procedures and customs clearance 14
67 Training Programme on Statistical Process Control Engineers & Executives from Production, Quality & other departments 07
August 2023
68 Awareness Workshop on ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 - HSE Management Systems HSE Managers, Safety Officers, Executives, Officers and Supervisors from organizations interested to improve their HSE performance. Who have already ISO 14001/ISO 45001 certified can also nominate their employees to enhance their awareness. Those wh 17-18
69 THE KAIZEN COMPETITION EVENT 2023 Managers, Executives, Office staff and professionals from KAIZEN Team Members 11
70 Workshop on MASTERING STRESS Supervisors, Group Leaders and Junior/ Middle level Managers, Engineers and Employees from all categories of Industrial establishments and service organizations. 09
71 One day Training Programme on PRACTICAL FIRE FIGHTING at KMML, Chavara, Kollam Owners/Engineers/Supervisors/Workers/other Employees at any level from any establishment including factories, hospitals, hotels, shopping malls, residential apartments, auditoriums etc. where basic or higher level fire fighting systems are available. 02
July 2023
72 Awareness Creation Workshop on INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES ACT 1947 & PAYMENT OF BONUS ACT 1965 Plant/ Unit Head, Supervisors, Managers, Department Heads, Trade Union Representatives & Officers from HR and other Departments. 26
73 Two-Day Awareness Training on Roles and Responsibilities of ISO Coordinators & Management representatives of QMS and other Systems Quality Heads, Management Representatives (MR), Deputy Management Representative, Chief Executives/Unit Heads of small units, Corporate MRs, ISO Coordinators / Unit MR of multi location companies can participate in this programme. MRs of ISO 14001, I 19-20
74 Certificate Training Programme on Food Safety Supervisor–Fish and Fish Products - Certification by FSSAI / FoSTaC Sea Food Entrepreneurs, Managers, Supervisors, Food Technologists, Chemists& Microbiologists, engineers from Sea Food pre-processing, processing or cold storage graduate or post graduate courses completed/final year students of Marine/Aquaculture Cou 18
75 1 day Workshop on Creative Problem Solving through DESIGN THINKING Anyone with an interest in solving problems and nurture creativity can attend this programme irrespective of the positions, designations, grades and organisations. 06
June 2023
76 One day Training Programme on EFFECTIVE STORES MANAGEMENT & INVENTORY CONTROL Managers, Executives, Storekeepers, Store Managers, Store Assistants, Stores Clerk, Executives, Assistants and Staff in Materials & Purchase Department and Staff at Warehouses can participate in this programme. 29
77 One Day Workshop on ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management System Managing Directors, Owners, General Managers, Management Representatives (MR), Deputy Management Representative, Chief Executives/Unit Heads of small units, Corporate MRs, Core team members, ISO Coordinators / Unit MR of multi location companies can 20
78 Certificate Training Programme on Food Safety Supervisor - Special Course on Milk and Milk Products - Certification by FSSAI/FoSTaC Dairy Entrepreneurs (with min. 3 years experience), Managers, Dairy Supervisors, Dairy/ Food Technologists, Dairy Chemists & Microbiologists, Dairy engineers who are currently part of the Milk Processing & Milk Products manufacturing units/ Dairy ind 14-15
79 EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME - 2 DAY Workshop on IMPROVING MANUFACTURING COMPETITIVENESS Middle Level Managers, Junior Executives, Engineers and Supervisors who are associated with Production, Quality, Materials, Planning, Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing Excellence and the Team members driving Performance Improvement will be benefi 07-08
May 2023
80 Training Programme on OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS for Preventing Equipment Failures Engineers, Electricians, Technicians and Supervisors working in industrial undertakings and service organizations 24-25
81 1 day Workshop on SUCCESSFUL SELLING All Field and Back-end Sales Professionals, Customer Relations Executives etc. 23
82 Two day Training on Planning For Retirement “Transition to a New Future” Employees retiring from Service 17-18
83 One day Training Programme on PRACTICAL FIRE FIGHTING Owners/Engineers/Supervisors/Workers/other Employees at any level from any establishment including factories, hospitals, hotels, shopping malls, residential apartments, auditoriums etc. where basic or higher level fire fighting systems are available. 16
84 APPLICATION OF TOOLS & TECHNIQUES FOR EFFECTIVE PROBLEM SOLVING Supervisors, Junior/Middle Level Managers, Engineers etc. who are associating in Production and Quality Improvement Programmes and Cross Functional Team (CFT) members from ANY DEPARTMENT / FUNCTION can participate in this programme. 05
85 One day Training Programme on SKILL ENHANCEMENT in MS OFFICE Managers, Executives, Office staff and professionals from any functional areas concerned with the above topic can participate in this programme. 04
April 2023
86 Two-day Workshop on LEADERSHIP & TEAM WORK FOR PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE Supervisors, Group Leaders and Junior/Middle level Managers from all functional areas working in industries and service organizations 27-28
March 2023
87 One-day Workshop on Labour Law Awareness on the Role of Plant Supervisors, Managers & Non-HR Officials in enforcing discipline at the shop floor Plant/Unit Head, Supervisors, Managers, Department Heads and Officers other than HR Departments. 16
88 INTERNAL QUALITY AUDITOR TRAINING PROGRAMME ON ISO 9001:2015 • Quality Directors( Employees who are to be certified as Internal Quality Auditors as per ISO 9001:2015 version (whether earlier trained in 2008 version or not),Coordinators/ MRs of ISO 9001, Deputy MRs of ISO 9001, ISO Coordinators 07-08
February 2023
89 “Advanced Microsoft Excel” Managers, Executives, Office staff and professionals from any functional areas concerned 23-24
90 Programme Code: E - Productivity through improving Food Safety standards for safe and hygiene food handling All Category from Food Business Operators / Canteen staff 21
91 Programme Code: D- Productivity, Work Culture and Behaviour Based Safety All Category 16
92 Programme Code: B - Statistical Techniques for Productivity & Quality Improvement All Category 09
93 Programme Code: A2 - Modern Manufacturing Practices for Productivity Improvement Supervisors, Executives & Junior Level Managers 03
94 Programme Code : A - Professional Skills Development Programme For Supervisors & Junior Level Managers Supervisors, Executives & Junior Level Managers 02-03
95 Programme Code: A1 - Better Interpersonal Relations and Team Work for Productivity Improvement All Category 02
January 2023
96 PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT BASED ON KAIZEN & 5S METHODOLOGY Executives, Supervisors, Group Leaders and Senior Level Operators/Office Staff can make benefit out of this progrmamme 18
97 PROFESSIONAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR SUPERVISORS & JUNIOR LEVEL MANAGERS Executives, Supervisors, Group Leaders and Managers or any employee who is going to be in executive/ Supervisory position from Manufacturing or support function like PPC, Materials, Quality & Maintenance 11-12
December 2022
98 One day Training Programme on Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Electrical Equipments & Systems Engineers, Electricians, Technicians and Supervisors working in industrial undertakings and service organizations 29
99 One day training programme on Understanding the essentials of CAPITAL EXPENDITURE (CAPEX) BUDGETING PROCESS Executives/Managers working in Industry or Business establishments, who associates in Capital Expenditure preparation process will be the beneficiaries of this Training programme. 20
100 Certificate Training Programme on FOOD SAFETY SUPERVISOR - Advance Manufacturing (Level 2) Managers, Food Supervisors, Food Technologists, Bio Technologist, Chemists, Microbiologists, Nutritionists, Completed/pursuing final year of under-graduation/ Post Graduation students in Food Related studies with exposure to Industrial training or Pr 15
101 One day training programme on Best Practices Operation & Maintenance of Electrical Equipment & Systems Engineers, Electricians, Technicians and Supervisors working in industrial undertakings and service organizations 08
November 2022
102 ELECTRICAL SAFETY and Relevant Standards & Regulations Engineers, Electricians, Technicians and Supervisors working in industrial undertakings and service organizations 10
103 Workshop on Building Positive Attitude and Work Culture among Team Members Employees from all categories of Industrial and service organizations can participate in this programme. 04
October 2022
104 Two-day Workshop on ENHANSING LEADERSHIP & SUPERVISORY SKILLS Supervisors, Group Leaders and Junior/Middle level Managers from all functional areas working in industries and service organizations can participate in this programme. 20-21
105 INNOVATIVE LONG TERM WAGE SETTLEMENTS – LTS PROCESS - A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Plant / Unit Head, HR Heads, Production Head, Industrial Engineers of the Plant. 14-15
106 Occupational Safety, Health (OSH) Code 2020 and the Central and State Rules –Key Issues, Implications and Challenges to Employers and Employees Management staff, Trade union members, Safety officers and Safety committee members, Welfare officers, HR professionals from Factories, Construction companies, Docks etc. 11
107 Workshop on Creative Problem Solving through DESIGN THINKING approach for Managerial Effectiveness  Anyone with an interest in solving problems and nurture creativity can attend this programme irrespective of the positions, designations, grades and organisations. 07
September 2022
108 Certification Training Programme on Food Safety Supervisor – Basic Catering + COVID 19 Awareness Certification by FSSAI / FoSTaC Food handlers in Canteens – Industries, Hospital, School, College, Office, Defence Establishment, Paying Guest Hostel, Home Chefs etc., Restaurants, Catering units, Tiffin Services, Dabbawala, Food services at Religious Places, Snack Bars. Any indivi 27
109 One Day Basic Awareness Workshop on “ISO 22000:2018 (FSMS Systems) FSMS Managers, Executives, Officers and Supervisors from organizations interested to improve their environmental / health and safety performance/ Who have already ISO 22000 certified can also nominate their employees to enhance their awareness./ 20
August 2022
110 One day training programme on Best practices in Energy Efficiency and Management for Building Sector (Kerala State Energy Conservation Award – 2022 – Sensitization Programme) Managers, Middle level officers, Engineers and Supervisors engaged in building/facility management situated in Ernakulam, Idukki, Kottayam, and Palakkad Districts. 31
111 Training Programme on BRINGING OUT THE BEST IN SECRETARIAL & ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Secretaries, Administrative Assistants of the public, private and non profit sector organizations can participate in this workshop 30
112 Best practices in Energy Efficiency and Management for Industrial Category (Kerala State Energy Conservation Award – 2022) – Sensitization Programme Managers, Middle level officers, Engineers and Supervisors working in industrial organizations situtated in Ernakulam, Idukki, Kottayam and Palakkad Districts 17
113 Workshop on STRESS MANAGEMENT Employees from all categories of Industrial and service organizations 09
114 Two day training programme on Advanced Microsoft Excel Managers, Executives, Office staff and professionals from any functional areas concerned with the above topic can participate in this programme 04-05
July 2022
115 Workshop on TAX DEDUCTED AT SOURCE (TDS) & PERSONAL TAXATION Managers, Executives, staff and all those who deal with TDS / Personal Tax related work in manufacturing and service organizations 27
116 INTERNAL QUALITY AUDITOR TRAINING PROGRAMME ON ISO 9001:2015 • Quality Directors • Employees who are to be certified as Internal Quality Auditors as per ISO 9001:2015 version (whether earlier trained in 2008 version or not) • Coordinators/ MRs of ISO 9001, Deputy MRs of ISO 9001, ISO Coordinators 25-26
117 EFFECTIVE SUPERVISION OF PLANT AND OFFICES Supervisors, Group Leaders and Managers or any employee who is going to be in a supervisory position from any functional area working in industries or service organizations can participate in this programme. 11-12
118 Seminar on “REVISED POWER TARIFF – IMPACT ON INDUSTRIES IN KERALA CEO’s, Department Heads, Trade Union Leaders etc. 08
June 2022
120 Two-day Workshop on Successful Selling Skills Marketing & Sales Managers, Sales Professionals, Customer Relationship Managers etc. 03-04
121 Training Programme on MODERN TRENDS IN STORES MANAGEMENT& INVENTORY CONTROL Managers, Executives, Storekeepers, Store Assistants, Stores Clerk and Executives and Staff in Materials Department, and Ware houses can participate in this programme. 02
May 2022
122 Awareness Workshop on ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 (HSE systems) HSE Managers, Executives, Officers and Supervisors from organizations interested to improve their environmental / health and safety performance. Who have already ISO 14001/ISO 45001 certified can also nominate their employees to enhance their awarene 26-27
March 2022
123 Retailer Training Programme (RTP) under Standards & Labelling Programme at State Level Authorized trader/seller of Home Appliance/Electrical equipment shops from Ernakulam District 18
April 2021
124 Food Safety Supervisor Training – Basic Catering + COVID 19 Awareness Food handlers in Canteens – Industries, Hospital, School, College, Office, Defence Establishment, Paying Guest Hostel, Home Chefs etc., Restaurants, Catering units and Any individual intending to start a food business or already in the business 28
March 2021
125 Certificate Training Program on FSSAI Food Safety Supervisor (Bakery - Level 1) Food handlers of bakery units, Home bakers, Students 24
October 2020
126 Awareness programme on ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational Health and Safety M/S/C 07
September 2020
127 Best Practices in Operation & Maintenance of Electrical Equipments and Machines M/S/C/W 24
128 Workshop on Disaster Management M/S/C 16
August 2020
129 Awareness programme on ISO 22001 - Food Safety Management M/S/C 19
130 Latest Trends in Digital and Internet Marketing M/S/C 12
131 TDS & Personal Taxation M/S/C 05
July 2020
132 Energy Conservation in Commercial Buildings M/S/C 29
133 Essential Principles for Career Advancement M/S/C 22
134 Domestic Enquiry and Disciplinary Proceedings M/S/C 16
135 Import Export Procedures and Customs Clearance M/S/C 08
June 2020
136 Employees Provident Fund Scheme M/S/C 24
137 Staying safe in a Cyber World M/S/C 17
138 Goal Setting & Performance Appraisal M/S/C 10
139 Internal Quality Auditor Training Programme - ISO 9001:2015 QMS M/S 03-04
May 2020
140 Webinar on Essentials of Indian Labour Law for every employer HR Managers, Administrators, Finance Managers etc. 16
December 2019
141 Disaster Management Representatives from your organization who are involved in disaster management, line Management, logistics management, Safety and Fire, Security and Surveillance can participate in the seminar. Employees/Safety Committee members/Trade union represent 03-04
November 2019
142 Awareness Programme on ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational Health and Safety Supervisors, Engineers, Managers, Safety Directors, EHS Professionals, Internal Auditors from organizations interested to improve their HSE performance 05
October 2019
143 ISO 9001 QMS - Prog. for Management Representatives M/S 16-17
September 2019
144 Strategic Negotiation ? Effective tools & Models for Economic Procurement Managers, Executives, Supervisors and other Company personnel involved in Negotiation process at their workplaces 18
August 2019
145 TAX DEDUCTED AT SOURCE (TDS) & PERSONAL TAXATION Managers, Executives, staff and all those who deal with TDS / Personal Tax related work in manufacturing and service organizations can participate 21
146 Import Export Procedures and Customs Clearance All employees who are concerned with import and export procedures and customs clearance 13
147 Best Operating Practices and Energy Efficiency in Pumping Systems M/S/T 07
July 2019
148 Cost Reduction for Value Creation Executives and Engineers working in manufacturing organizations can participate 25
149 Advanced 5S - Next Level of Resources Optimization Employees from Purchase & Stores, Warehouses, Production & Planning and QHSE can attend 18
150 Domestic Enquiry and Disciplinary Proceedings M/S 11
June 2019
151 ECBC Simulation Intensive Programme Practicing professionals in the State who are directly involved in the design and construction of buildings coming under the purview of ECBC can participate in this programme. 14-15
152 Developing Strong People Skills through Emotional Intelligence M/S/C 07
May 2019
153 Goods and Services Tax (GST) M/S/C 27
154 Emerging Trends in Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Equipments and Machines M/S 21-22
155 Latest Trends in Stores Management and Inventory Control M/S/C 08
April 2019
156 Effective Supervision of Plant and Offices M/S 25-26
March 2019
157 Workshop on Entrepreneurship Development for Women M/S/C/W 28-30
February 2019
158 ?Meet the Experts - Industry 4.0? from Penang Skill Development Center (PSDC), Malaysia ?Meet the Experts - Industry 4.0? from Penang Skill Development Center (PSDC), Malaysia 13
159 Circular Economy for Productivity and Sustainability All Employees 12
October 2018
160 Building Positive Attitude & Work Culture for Personal Effectiveness S/C/W 25-26
September 2018
161 Performance Improvement for Workers/Peons/Attenders and Helpers Workers, Office Attenders, Peons, Helpers etc. 12
August 2018
162 Effective Negotiation Managers, Executives, Supervisors and other Company personnel involved in Negotiation at their workplaces 14
163 Four Pillars of Optimal Health to enhance employee performance quotient M/S/C/W 08
July 2018
164 Creativity and Lateral Thinking for Problem Solving M/S 25
165 Theory-cum-Practice Oriented training, Skill Upgradation and refresher training of Furnace operators on Energy Efficiency Furnace operators 11-12
June 2018
166 Work Study - Tools and Techniques Managers, Executives and Engineers in department like Production, Planning, Operations Management, Human Resources etc. can participate in this programme. 20-21
May 2018
167 Theory-cum-Practice Oriented training, Skill Upgradation and refresher training of Boiler operators on Energy Efficiency Maximum two Boiler operators from one organization can participate in this programme. 23-24
168 Stress Management Employees from all categories of Industrial and service organizations can participate in this programme. 22
169 Confined Space Safety Representatives from your organization who are involved in Safety practices can participate in the workshop. Employees/Safety Committee members/Trade union representatives? participation is very important 08
March 2018
170 Cyber Security for users Executives, Professionals working in any organization and individuals concerned with Cyber security can attend 21
February 2018
171 Digital and Internet Marketing M/S/C/W 16
172 Industry 4.0, Leapfrog Opportunity for India M/S/C/W 12
173 Invitation Productivity Day Executives 12
174 Productivity Day Theme and Speakers Executives 12
January 2018
175 Essence of Financial Management for Non-Finance Executives M/S 18
December 2017
176 ZED Consultant Training Programme (5 days) Professionals familiar with MSME specific shop-floor level work experience, shop floor consultancy, sound technical understanding of technical areas such as Kaizen, SPC, Six Sigma, Lean Management, Energy Management, ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO 18000, I 04-08
November 2017
177 Ensuring Power Quality in Plant and Office Electrical Systems M/S 30
178 ZED Assessor End to End Training Programme (5 days) Professionals familiar with MSME specific shop-floor level work experience, shop floor consultancy, sound technical understanding of technical areas such as Kaizen, SPC, Six Sigma, Lean Management, Energy Management, ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO 18000, I 06-10
October 2017
179 Digital and Internet Marketing M/S/C 07
September 2017
180 Bringing out the best in Secretarial & Administrative Staff Secretaries, Administrative Assistants of the public, private and non profit sector organizations can participate in this workshop. 14
August 2017
181 Efficient Operation and Maintenance of DG Sets M/S/T 22
182 SEMINAR ON GREEN BUSINESS &THE FUTURE JOBS Faculty / Career Guidance and Placement Unit (CGPU) officers from Technical and other training institutions / Professionals working in Industries. 18
June 2017
183 Verbal & Non-verbal Communication for Business Success M/S/C 14
April 2017
184 Health, Safety and Environment M/S/W 28
185 Personal Effectiveness, Better Interpersonal Relations and Team Work of Employees M/S/C 03-04
March 2017
186 Team Work and Group Dynamics M/S/W 23
187 Effective Team Leadership M/S 16-17
188 Effective Business Communication M/S/C 09-10
189 ZED (Zero Defect Zero Effect) Industry Awareness programme Manufacturing MSME's Units 03
190 Specialized certificate training programme on ECBC on 1st & 2nd March, 2017 and 9th & 10th March 2017 Practicing Engineers and Architects of the building sector 01-10
January 2017
191 Safety Training for Internal Trade Union Leaders T/C/W 26
192 Business Meet on Concentrating Solar Technologies for Community cooking, Space cooling & Process Heat Applications M/S 18
193 NLP Methods for Emotional Intelligence S/C/W 11-12
December 2016
194 Safety in Civil & Construction Projects M/S/C/W/T 21
195 Defensive Driving Habits M/S/W 09
November 2016
196 Energy Efficiency in Compressed Air Systems M/S/T 24
197 Awareness Programme on ISO 14001:2015 & OHSAS 18001:2007 HSE Systems M/S 23-24
198 Modern packing trend in Industry M/S 09-10
October 2016
199 Awareness on Trauma care and CPR M/S/C/W 28
200 Electrical Power Trading - Options and Opportunities M/S 25
September 2016
201 Infra-red Thermography for Energy Efficiency and Equipment Reliability M/S/C 28
August 2016
202 How to Go Lean for Better Performance M/S 30
203 Employees Provident Fund Scheme (Amendments) M/S/C 29
July 2016
204 Road Map for Personal Effectiveness of Employees M/S/C 28-29
205 Solar Grid Connected Power Plant M/S 22
June 2016
206 Customs and Central Excise M/S/C 23
207 Better Interpersonal Relations and Team Work M/S/C 09-10
May 2016
208 Kerala Value Added Tax (K-VAT) M/S/C 25


Previous Webinars

Sl. No. Webinars Participant Category Date
June 2024
1 Online Awareness Session on ESG : Environmental, Social & Governance - - Strategies for Sustainable Success This course is designed for professionals in the business who need to understand the concept and can implement the same in their organizations. CEOs, EHS Professionals, Energy Managers, Sustainability Managers, CXO, Risk Manager, Compliance Prof 14
August 2023
2 Online Session on “Laws relating to: Leave, Holidays & Absenteeism in Factories, Shops & Commercial Establishments and IT Industries” CEOs, HR Managers, Legal Officers, Managers, Accountants & Executives from any functional areas concerned with the above topic can participate in this programme. 10
July 2023
3 On line Session on Latest Developments of Higher Pension under Employees Pension Scheme (EPS) 1995 -(Session includes demo of How to calculate higher pension amount) CEOs, HR Managers, Legal Officers, Managers, Accountants & Executives from any functional areas concerned with the above topic can participate in this programme. 07
May 2023
4 Online Special Awareness Session on “POSH Act 2013 • Internal Committee members • HR Managers, Administrators and • Those who are connected with people management. 30
5 Online Workshop on Landmark Judgments of Supreme Court And High Courts in the Arena of Labour Jurisprudence Plant Heads, HR Managers/Executives, Legal Officers, Administrative Officers and other Executives & Staff from any functional areas concerned with the above topic can participate in this programme 08
April 2023
6 Webinar on Soft Skills for EHS Professionals EHS Professionals, HR Managers and other Senior Management Personnel 28
7 Orientation WEBINAR for the Internal Committee Members on “SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WOMEN AT WORK PLACE (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION & REDRESSAL) ACT 2013 (POSH ACT 2013)” Internal Committee members , HR Managers, Administrators and those who are connected with people management. 11
March 2023
8 Analysis of Supreme Court Judgement on Higher Pension & EPFO’s latest directions CEOs, HR Managers, Legal Officers, Managers, Accountants & Executives from any functional areas concerned with the above topic can participate in this programme 01
February 2023
9 Programme Code: C - Inauguration of Productivity Week Celebrations and Talk on Theme Topic-Productivity, Green Growth and Sustainability: All Category 13
November 2022
10 Orientation WEBINAR for the Internal Committee Members On “SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WOMEN AT WORK PLACE (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION & REDRESSAL) ACT 2013 (POSH ACT 2013)” Internal Committee Members, HR Managers, Administrators and those who are connected with people management 18
October 2022
11 Online Practical Workshop on EMPLOYEE’S PROVIDENT FUND & ESI Detailed Discussion on Compliance, Violations & Penalties CEOs, HR Managers, Legal Officers, Managers, Accountants & Executives from any functional areas concerned with the topic 25
July 2022
12 Webinar on PF and ESI with special reference to Labour Codes and Contract Labour CEOs, HR Managers, Accountants and all those who are connected with the Management of the establishment. 29
June 2022
13 Online Workshop on DISCIPLINE AND DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS IN INDUSTRY CEOs,HR Managers, Legal Officers, Enquiry officers, Managers and Executives from any functional areas concerned with the above topic can participate in this programme. 17
May 2022
14 Behaviour Based Safety Program for Safety Culture Transformation Top level/Middle level officers of organizations who would like to implement BBS in their facility to have better safety culture. 21
April 2022
15 Online Orientation cum Certification programme on “Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 (POSH Act 2013)” Internal Committee members, HR Managers, Administrators and those who are connected with people management 12
March 2022
16 Online Certificate Training Programme on Food Safety Supervisor–Fish and Seafood (Special Course) - Level 3 Certification by FSSAI / FoSTaC Sea Food Entrepreneurs (with min. 3 years’ experience), Managers, Sea Food technologists, Supervisors, Food Technologists, Chemists& Microbiologists, engineers who are currently part of the Sea Food pre-processing, processing or cold storage, Sea Foo 18-19
February 2022
17 Prog. Code - F: Productivity improvement using lean manufacturing techniques Supervisors, Group Leaders and Junior/Middle level Managers from all functional areas working in industries and service organizations 18
18 Prog. Code - E: Productivity through improving Food Safety standards for safe and hygiene food handling Supervisors, Group Leaders and Junior/Middle level Managers from all functional areas working in industries and service organizations 17
19 Prog. Code - D: Productivity, Work Culture and Behaviour Based Safety Supervisors, Group Leaders and Junior/Middle level Managers from all functional areas working in industries and service organizations 16
20 Prog. Code - C: Productivity, Interpersonal Relations and Teamwork Supervisors, Group Leaders and Junior/Middle level Managers from all functional areas working in industries and service organizations 15
21 Prog. Code - A : Self Reliance Through Productivity (Productivity Week Theme) Supervisors, Group Leaders and Junior/Middle level Managers from all functional areas working in industries and service organizations 12
22 All Programmes during the Productivity Week - Prog. Code A to F Employees from all functional areas working in industries and service organizations 12-18
23 Four day Online Basic Training Course on TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS Participants may be drawn from Executives, Supervisors, Chargemen and Group Leaders from all functional areas. Those who are attending this basic course will be eligible to pursue a Diploma programme in TA conducted by ICTA, if so they desire. 07-10
January 2022
24 Three day Online Training Programme on MS OFFICE TOOLS Managers, Executives, Office staff and professionals from any functional areas concerned with the above topic can participate in this programme. 19-21
December 2021
25 Two Month Online Certificate Course On LABOUR CODES Certificate Course on “Labour Codes” is open for all who are interested to get an understanding of labour laws regulating industrial relations in India and particularly CHROs, HR Managers, Administers, Lawyers, Academicians, Faculties and all those w 13-07
November 2021
26 Online workshop on “GRATUITY & MATERNITY BENEFIT” CEOs, CHROs, HR Heads, HR Managers, Legal Officers, Managers and Executives from any functional areas concerned with the people management. 05
October 2021
27 Online Certification Programme on POSH ACT 2013 “SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WOMEN AT WORK PLACE (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION & REDRESSAL) ACT 2013” Internal Committee members, CEOs, CHROs, HR Heads, HR Managers, Legal Officers, Managers and Executives from any functional areas concerned with the people management. 12
September 2021
28 Online Certificate Training Programme on Food Safety Supervisor - Milk and Milk Products (Special Course) - Level 3 Dairy Entrepreneurs (with min. 3 years experience), Managers, Dairy Supervisors, Dairy/ Food Technologists, Dairy Chemists & Microbiologists, Dairy engineers who are currently part of the Milk Processing & Milk Products manufacturing units/ Dairy ind 24
29 Two day online workshop on Discipline and Disciplinary Proceedings in Industries CEOs, CHROs HR Heads, HR Managers, Legal Officers, Enquiry officers, Managers and Executives from any functional areas concerned with the above topic can participate in this programme 18-25
August 2021
30 Online Orientation cum Certification Programme on “SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WOMEN AT WORK PLACE (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION & REDRESSAL) ACT 2013 (POSH ACT 2013)” Internal Committee members, HR Managers, Administrators and Those who are connected with people management. 26
31 Three months Online Certificate Course on “HVAC Systems - Basic Design Principles, Theory of Operation and Best Operating Practices” Managers, Engineers, Supervisors etc. 11-30
32 One day online workshop on “ESI benefits and Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS 1995)” Managers & Employees from HR and Accounts, Trade Union office bearers and all those who are connected with the Management of the establishment 10
July 2021
33 പുതിയ തൊഴിൽ നിയമങ്ങൾ– ലേബർ കോഡ് - തൊഴിലാളികളും തൊഴിലാളി പ്രതിനിധികളും അറിഞ്ഞിരിക്കേണ്ട കാര്യ Trade Union Representative 16-17
34 Online Workshop on Employee Performance Appraisal & Counseling All category 06-07
35 Webinar on Internal Audit as a critical FSMS tool for food safety compliance Managers, Food Supervisors, Food Technologists, Bio Technologist, Chemists, Microbiologists, Nutritionists, professionals who are currently working in the Food Processing/ Manufacturing sector or Completed/pursuing final year of under-graduation/ Pos 02
June 2021
36 Online Certificate Training Programme on Food Safety Supervisor – Advance Manufacturing (Level -2) & Covid Managers, Food Supervisors, Food Technologists, Bio Technologist, Chemists, Microbiologists, Nutritionists, Completed/pursuing final year of under-graduation/ Post Graduation students in Food Related studies with exposure to Industrial training or p 16
37 Two day online Workshop on the practical aspects of Labour Codes HR Managers / Executives and Business owners 14-15
May 2021
38 Preventing Equipment Failures: Best Operation & Maintenance Practices of Electrical Systems Managers, Engineers, Supervisors etc. working in Industrial undertakings & service organisations 19
39 Online Certification Training Programme on Food Safety Supervisor – Basic Catering + COVID 19 Awareness Food handlers in Canteens – Industries, Hospital, School, College, Office, Defence Establishment, Paying Guest Hostel, Home Chefs etc., Restaurants, Catering units and Any individual intending to start a food business or already in the business 12
April 2021
40 3 months Online Certificate Course on LABOUR CODES HR Managers, Administers, Lawyers, Academicians ,Faculties and all those who are connected with the subject 10-26
41 Webinar on Election Holiday: Legal Perspective All category 01
March 2021
42 Webinar on SAFE WIRING PRACTICES for Industrial Electricians All category 22
43 Safe food – be safe, be healthy, be well - Awareness on Food Safety Training & Certification as per FSSAI guidelines All category 04
February 2021
44 Webinar on PF and ESI with special reference to Labour Codes and Contract Labour All category 23
45 മാറി വരുന്ന സാഹചര്യങ്ങളിൽ കൂടുതൽ പ്രവർത്തനസജ്ജമാകുന്നതെങ്ങിനെ - അർദ്ധദിന ഓൺലൈൻ ശില്പശാല All category 04
January 2021
46 കേന്ദ്ര സബ്സിഡിയോടു കൂടിയ ഗാർഹിക പുരപ്പുറ സൗരോർജ്ജ പദ്ധതി : തൽസമയ ഓൺലൈൻ [zoom] ശിൽപശാല All category 13
December 2020
47 Online Workshop on Decoding the Central Rules of Labour Codes All category 22
48 Ease of Doing Business - Series 1: Virtual Interactive Session with Kerala State Pollution Control Board All category 18
49 Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights All category 11
November 2020
50 webinar on Empower Your Growth with Essentials of Digital Marketing All category 11
October 2020
51 Webinar on Performance Management amidst the Pandemic on 23rd October 2020 from 11.00 am to 12.15 pm All category 23
52 Webinar on “Don’t limit your Challenges, Challenge your limits” All category 20
53 Webinar on Code on Wages, 2019 Finance / HR / IR / Administrators etc. 07
54 WEBINAR SERIES ON LABOUR CODES : Sessions 2 &3 on 5th & 7th October 2020 Finance / HR / IR / Administrators etc. 05
55 Webinar on Code on Social Security, 2020 Finance / HR / IR / Administrators etc. 05
56 1 Webinar on Industrial Relations Code, 2020 Finance / HR / IR / Administrators etc. 03
September 2020
57 Webinar on Discharging Distress through Re-evaluation Techniques All category 10
August 2020
58 Webinar Tutorial on Employees Pension Scheme 1995 All stake holders of the EPS 1995 24
59 The Science of Being Happy All category 15
July 2020
60 Webinar - HAPPINESS WORKS, Even in a Pandemic Situation All category 30
61 ഓൺലൈൻ പഠന ശിബിരം: വിദ്യാർത്ഥികളും നവമാധ്യമ ഉപയോഗവും– ഗുണമേന്മകളും, ആശങ്കകളും, വെല്ലുവിളികളും രക്ഷിതാക്കളും, വിദ്യാർത്ഥികളും, അദ്ധ്യാപകരും, അധികാരികളും 28
62 തത്സമയ ശില്പശാല - നിർദിഷ്ട വേതന നിയമ സംഹിത (കേന്ദ്ര) ചട്ടങ്ങൾ 2020 (Code on Wages (Central) Rules, 2020) തൊഴിലുടമ / തൊഴിലാളി പ്രതിനിധികൾ, HR / IR / Legal രംഗത്ത് പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്നവർ മാനേജ്മെന്റ് / നിയമ വിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾ 24
63 ഗാർഹിക വൈദ്യുതി ഉപഭോക്താക്കൾക്കുള്ള പുരപ്പുറ സൗരോർജ്ജ (സബ്സിഡി) പദ്ധതി - തൽസമയ ഓൺലൈൻ ശില്പശാല ഗാർഹിക ഉപഭോക്താക്കൾ 14
64 Webinar on Preventing Equipment Failures: Best Operation & Maintenance Practices of Electrical Systems Managers, Engineers, Supervisors etc. 03

Legend: Participant Category :: M - Managerial S - Supervisor C - Clerical W - Workmen T - Technician

Please note that KSPC can also organise inhouse Training Programmes exclusively for your establishment based on requirements.

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